Friday, October 5, 2007

Time for a change

For the first time in my life i have enough money saved up from poker winnings and from my previous job where i can quit (already did last monday) and give it a shot playing full time for a few months. I have over 3 years of bills/rent saved up and have around a 4k poker bankroll. I have decided to quit my job and play full time for a few months and see how it goes, if i fail well then i will learn from the experience and grow from it.

The plan
I will be starting next week playing 5 days a week 8-10 hrs a day
The plan will be to start grinding $12 6max SNG's
Along with Mtts $5-$20
until i'm rolled for 100nl online again and proceed from there (200nl 400nl etc)
along with investing at :)

My goal for the first month is $1000-1500 profit which shouldn't be too hard to complete.

I will be updating after every day of play with how the day went BR status key hands and deep finishes etc etc


As of today:
Online Poker Bankroll: $1,000
Live Poker Bankroll: $3,000


ty4calling said...

Wow, best of luck in this adventure! I'm looking forward to seeing your progress!

Hm, I personally believe that the big $$$ is at the cash tables in the long run, but starting out with SNGs is maybe a good approach in terms of safety.

Keep it up!

Brian Norris said...

Good luck man, What is your starting BR if you do not mind me asking?

UTG RAISE said...

Hey BN i have 1k for online and 3k for live...but if worse comes to worse i have funds to reload.

Unknown said...

1500 for the first month? thats not that much money lol, thats barely above the poverty line.

UTG RAISE said...

For the first month obv it will be slow.